The nonprofit sector plays a large role in our local economy, encompassing many sectors including religious, educational, environmental, medical, arts and humanities – to name a few. Members of a nonprofit’s board of directors are bound by a duty of care that includes responsibility for overseeing the activities that advance the Organization’s effectiveness and sustainability. Exercise of this oversight role often involves engaging a CPA to provide assurance services.
Nonprofit organizations are often required to receive an audit due to funding source requirements from Federal or State entities. In some cases, a Single Audit in accordance with Uniform Guidance is required for significant federal programs. In other cases, the State of West Virginia requires assurance that grant proceeds are being used properly.
Our firm has the proper training and knowledge necessary to complete audits of nonprofit organizations and provide high-quality feedback to the board and those charged with governance. We enjoy working with our local nonprofit clients each year.
Types of nonprofit clients:
- Religious Organizations
- Charitable Organizations
- Healthcare Organizations
- Schools
- Local Unions
- Foundations
We also provide Form 990 preparation services to area nonprofits.